Registered participants
Total: 280
LSC: 231
List of registered participants
- Abbott, Thomas (Louisiana State University)
- Adams, Thomas (Cardiff university)
- Addesso, Paolo (University of Salerno)
- Adya, Vaishali (AEI,Max Planck for Gravitational Physics)
- Affeldt, Christoph (AEI Hannover)
- Agatsuma, Kazuhiro (NIKHEF)
- Aguiar, Odylio (INPE)
- Allen, Bruce (AEI Hannover / UWM)
- Anderson, Stuart (Caltech)
- Anderson, Warren (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee)
- Arai, Koji (Caltech)
- Ashton, Gregory (University of Southampton)
- Ast, Stefan (Institut für Gravitationsphysik)
- astone, pia (INFN,Rome)
- Aufmuth, Peter (Albert Einstein Institute Hannover)
- Aulbert, Carsten (AEI)
- Babak, Stanislav (Albert Einstein Institute)
- Ballmer, Stefan (Syracuse University)
- Barish, Barry (Caltech)
- Baune, Christoph (AEI Hannover)
- Behnke, Berit (Albert Einstein Institute)
- Bejger, Michał (Centrum Astronomiczne im. M. Kopernika PAN)
- Bell, Angus (Glasgow University)
- Benacquista, Matthew (University of Texas at Brownsville)
- Berger, Beverly (LIGO Caltech)
- Bersanetti, Diego (INFN (Genova))
- Billingsley, GariLynn (Caltech)
- Blom, Matheus (Nikhef Amsterdam)
- Bock, Oliver (Albert Einstein Institute)
- Boer, Michel (ARTEMIS)
- Bogan, Christina (AEI Hannover)
- Bohe, Alejandro (University of the Balearic Islands)
- Bojtos, Peter (EGRG - MTA Atomki)
- Boschi, Valerio (Università di Pisa & INFN)
- Bose, Sukanta (IUCAA / Washington State University)
- Brady, Patrick (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
- Brooks, Aidan (Caltech)
- Buskulic, Damir (LAPP / Université de Savoie)
- Cadonati, Laura (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
- CAGNOLI, GIANPIETRO (Laboratoire des Matériaux Avancés (LMA))
- Calderon Bustillo, Juan (University of Balearic Islands)
- Cannon, Kipp (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics)
- Cao, Junwei (Tsinghua University)
- Castellano, Dario (Sannio University)
- Cavaglia, Marco (University of Mississippi)
- Cella, Giancarlo (INFN Pisa)
- Chamberlin, Sydney (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
- Chao, Shiuh (National Tsing Hua Universitry)
- CHASSANDE-MOTTIN, Eric (CNRS AstroParticule et Cosmologie)
- Chiummo, Antonino (EGO - European Gravitational Observatory)
- Cho, Hee-Suk (Pusan National University)
- Ciani, Giacomo (University of Florida)
- Coles, Mark (National Science Foundation)
- Collins, Harry (Cardiff University)
- Constancio Jr, Marcio (INPE (Brazil))
- Couvares, Peter (Syracuse University)
- Dal Canton, Tito (AEI Hannover)
- Danzmann, Karsten (AEI Hannover)
- Davies, Gareth (University of Glasgow)
- Daw, Edward (The University of Sheffield)
- Debreczeni, Gergely (Wigner Research Centre for Physics)
- Dent, Thomas (AEI Hannover)
- DeRosa, Ryan (Louisiana State University)
- Di Palma, Irene (Max Planck Institute (AEI) Hannover)
- Diaz, Mario (University of Texas at Brownsville)
- Dmitriev, Artemiy (Moscow State University)
- Dooley, Katherine (AEI Hannover)
- Doravari, Suresh (California Institute of Technology)
- Dorosh, Orest (NCBJ)
- Drago, Marco (Trento University and INFN Padova)
- Eggenstein, Heinz-Bernd (AEI Hannover)
- Eichholz, Johannes (University of Florida)
- Essick, Reed (MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Fairhurst, Stephen (Cardiff University)
- Fan, Xilong (University of Glasgow)
- Farr, Benjamin (Northwestern University)
- Farr, Will (Birmingham University)
- Fehrmann, Henning (AEI-Hannover)
- Ferrini, Federico (EGO)
- Fidecaro, Francesco (Università di Pisa and INFN)
- Fisher, Ryan (Syracuse University)
- Flaminio, Raffaele (NAOJ)
- Frei, Zsolt (Eotvos University, Budapest)
- Freise, Andreas (University of Birmingham)
- Frey, Raymond (University of Oregon)
- Fricke, Tobin (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute))
- Fusco, Adele (Sannio University)
- Gemme, Gianluca (INFN Genova)
- Ghosh, Shaon (Radboud University)
- Giaime, Joseph (LLO/LSU)
- Goetz, Evan (AEI Hannover)
- Gondan, Laszlo (Eotvos University, Budapest)
- Gonzalez, Gabriela (Louisiana State University)
- Gräf, Christian (IGR -- University of Glasgow)
- Graff, Philip (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
- Grote, Hartmut (AEI Hannover)
- Guidi, Gianluca M (Università di Urbino/ INFN Firenze)
- Gushwa, Kaitlin (LIGO- Caltech)
- Gustafson, Eric (Caltech)
- Hanke, Manuela (AEI Hannover)
- Hanna, Chad (Perimieter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
- Harms, Jan (INFN, Sezione di Firenze)
- Harry, Ian (Syracuse University)
- Haster, Carl-Johan (University of Birmingham)
- Haughian, Karen (University of Glasgow)
- Hendry, Martin (University of Glasgow)
- Heng, Ik Siong (University of Glasgow)
- Hild, Stefan (Glasgow University)
- Hopkins, Paul (Cardiff University)
- Hough, James (University of Glasgow)
- Huerta, Eliu (Syracuse University)
- Hughey, Brennan (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University)
- Husa, Sascha (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
- Huynh, Marie (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee)
- Isogai, Tomoki (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Iyer, Balasubramanian (Raman Research Institute)
- Jones, Ian (University of Southampton)
- Jonker, Reinier (NIKHEF)
- Kalogera, Vicky (Northwestern University)
- Karelle, Siellez (ARTEMIS)
- Katsavounidis, Erik (MIT)
- Kawazoe, Fumiko (AEI Hannover)
- Keitel, David (Albert-Einstein-Institut)
- kells, william (california institute of technology)
- Khalaidovski, Alexander (ICRR - University of Tokyo)
- Kim, Chunglee (Seoul National University)
- Kim, Kyungmin (Hanyang University & National Institute for Mathematical Sciences)
- Kim, Young-Min (Pusan Nati'l Univ. & NIMS)
- Kissel, Jeffrey (MIT)
- Klimenko, Sergey (University of Florida)
- Koehlenbeck, Sina (AEI Hannover)
- Koptsov, Dmitry (Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics)
- Koranda, Scott (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
- Korth, Zach (California Institute of Technology)
- Kozameh, Carlos (FaMAF, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba)
- Krishnan, Badri (Albert Einstein Institute)
- Krolak, Andrzej (Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
- Kumar, Prayush (Syracuse University)
- Laetitia, CANETE (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)
- Lantz, Brian (Stanford Univ.)
- Lazzarini, Albert (LIGO - Caltech)
- Leaci, Paola (Max Planck Institut fuer Gravitationsphysik - Albert Einstein Institut)
- Leavey, Sean (University of Glasgow)
- Lebigot, Eric (Univ. Paris 7/CNRS - APC)
- Leonardi, Matteo (INFN and University of Trento)
- Leroy, Nicolas (LAL - IN2P3/CNRS)
- Littenberg, Tyson (Northwestern University)
- Lockett, Veronica (Cal State Fullerton)
- Logue, Joshua (University of Glasgow)
- losurdo, giovanni (INFN Firenze & EGO)
- Lough, James (Syracuse University)
- Lück, Harald (Albert Einstein Institute)
- Lundgren, Andrew (AEI Hannover)
- M. K, Haris (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Thiruvananthapuram)
- Macdonald, Erin (Cardiff University)
- Macleod, Duncan (Louisiana State University)
- Man, Catherine-Nary (CNRA)
- Manca, Gian Mario (AEI Hannover)
- Mandel, Ilya (University of Birmingham)
- Marka, Szabolcs (Columbia University)
- Mazzolo, Giulio (AEI Hannover)
- McIver, Jessica (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
- McWilliams, Sean (West Virginia University)
- Meacher, Duncan (Artemis - Nice)
- Meinders, Melanie (Institut für Gravitationsphysik)
- Messenger, Chris (University of Glasgow)
- Mishra, Chandra Kant (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research)
- Moghadas Nia, Ramon (University of Vienna / Albert-Einstein-Institut Hannover)
- Mours, Benoit (LAPP-Annecy)
- Mow-Lowry, Conor (AEI Hannover)
- Mueller, Guido (University of Florida)
- Mukherjee, Soma (University of Texas at Brownsville)
- Murray, Peter (SUPA University of Glasgow)
- Neri, Martina (INFN (Genova))
- Nicolas, Straniero (LMA-CNRS)
- Nielsen, Alex (Max Planck Institute Hannover)
- Nitz, Alexander (Syracuse University)
- Nuttall, Laura (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
- O'Shaughnessy, Richard (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
- Oh, John J. (NIMS, South Korea)
- Oh, SangHoon (Institute for Mathematical Sciences)
- Ohme, Frank (Cardiff University)
- Palomba, Cristiano (INFN sez. di Roma)
- Pankow, Chris (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
- Papa, M.Alessandra (AEI and UWM)
- Penn, Steven (Hobart and William Smith Colleges)
- Perreca, Antonio (Syracuse University)
- Pfeiffer, Harald (CITA)
- Pinto, Innocenzo M. (University of Sannio at Benevento, INFN)
- Price, Larry (Caltech)
- Prix, Reinhard (Albert-Einstein-Institut Hannover)
- Prodi, Giovanni Andrea (università di Trento and INFN)
- Puerrer, Michael (Cardiff University)
- Puncken, Oliver (University of Texas at Brownsville)
- Quetschke, Volker (University of Texas at Brownsville)
- Quintero, Eric (CalTech)
- Rácz, István (Wigner RCP)
- Raffai, Peter (Eotvos University)
- Rapagnani, Piero (INFN - Sezione di Roma & Dipartimento di Fisica - Università di Roma La Sapienza)
- Raymond, Vivien (California Institute of Technology)
- Re, Virginia (INFN sezione di Roma Tor Vergata)
- Regimbau, Tania (Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur)
- Reitze, David (LIGO Laboratory)
- Ricci, Fulvio (INFN Sezione di Roma)
- Riles, Keith (University of Michigan)
- Robertson, Norna (Caltech and Glasgow)
- Robinet, Florent (LAL, Orsay)
- Rollins, Jameson (LIGO Caltech)
- Rosinska, Dorota (Kepler Institute of Astronomy, University of Zielona Gora)
- Rowan, Sheila (University of Glasgow)
- Rüdiger, Albrecht (AEI)
- Sadecki, Travis (LIGO Hanford Observatory)
- Salazar, Lauro (University of Texas at Brownsville)
- Salemi, Francesco (AEI - Hannover)
- Sathyaprakash, Bangalore (Cardiff University)
- Saulson, Peter (Syracuse University)
- Sawadsky, Andreas (Albert-Einstein-Institut Hannover der Max Planck Gesellschaft und Institut für Gravitationsphysik der Leibniz Universität Hannover)
- Schmidt, Patricia (Cardiff University)
- Schnabel, Roman (AEI, Leibniz Universität Hannover)
- Schofield, Robert (University of Oregon)
- Schreiber, Emil (Albert Einstein Institute Hannover)
- Schutz, Bernard (Albert Einstein Institute)
- Scott, Susan (The Australian National University)
- Shah, Sweta (Radboud University)
- Shaltev, Miroslav (Albert Einstein Institute)
- Shapiro, Brett (Stanford University)
- Shawhan, Peter (University of Maryland)
- Shoemaker, David (MIT)
- Simakov, Dmitry (Albert Einstein Institut)
- Singer, Leo (California Institute of Technology)
- Sintes, Alicia M (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
- Smith, Joshua (California State University Fullerton)
- Son, Edwin J. (National Institute for Mathematical Sciences)
- Steinlechner, Jessica (AEI Hannover)
- Strain, Kenneth (University of Glasgow)
- Sturani, Riccardo (Instituto de Fisica Teorica - UNESP)
- Szeifert, Gabor (Eotvos University, Budapest)
- Tagoshi, Hideyuki (Osaka University)
- Tanner, David (University of Florida)
- Thorne, Keith (LIGO Livingston Observatory)
- Thrane, Eric (California Institute of Technology)
- Torres, Cristina (University of Texas at Brownsville)
- Unnikrishnan, C S (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
- Urban, Alexander (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
- Vahlbruch, Henning (AEI Hannover)
- Van Den Broeck, Chris (Nikhef)
- van Heijningen, Joris (Nikhef)
- Vaulin, Ruslan (MIT)
- vecchio, alberto (University of Birmingham)
- Veitch, John (Nikhef)
- Vinet, Jean-Yves (ARTEMIS/Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur)
- Vitale, Salvatore (LIGO MIT)
- Vostrosablin, Nikita (Moscow State University)
- Wade, Leslie (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee)
- Wade, Madeline (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee)
- Walker, Marissa (Louisiana State University)
- Walsh, Sinead (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee)
- Was, Michal (AEI Hannover)
- Weaver, Betsy (LIGO Hanford Observatory)
- Weiss, Rainer (MIT)
- Weßels, Peter (Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.)
- Wette, Karl (AEI Hannover)
- Whelan, John (Rochester Institute of Technology)
- Whitcomb, Stanley (LIGO Lab/Caltech)
- Whiting, Bernard (University of Florida)
- Wiesner, Karsten (AEI)
- Williams, Roy (Caltech)
- Willis, Josh (Abilene Christian University)
- Willke, Benno (AEI Hannover)
- Wittel, Holger (AEI Hannover)
- Woan, Graham (University of Glasgow)
- Zhang, Fan (MIT)